Hold Fast - Part 1: "Hold Fast to the King"

Jesus 120 - A podcast by Jimmy Harris

This week Pastor Jake starts a new series titled “Hold Fast” a study through the Book of Ruth. In Part 1: “Hold Fast to the King” we will explore what happens when we find ourselves in a season of famine. We need to watch out for the temptation of trying to get fed apart from God’s place and God’s people, because when we do it can lead to much loss and bitter disappointment. However, when we do find ourselves lost along the way, the good news is that Jesus will go to great lengths to bring us back home again. Life Group Questions: Recap the basics of the passages from the sermon: Naomi’s leaving & returning, the bitter water turned sweet in Exodus, and Jesus drinking the sour wine on the cross. Then discuss the following questions . . . 1) Have you ever been in a season of famine in your life? (financially, emotionally, spiritually, etc.) 2) If so, can you describe what that experience was like? 3) Moab is where Naomi’s family ran to meet their need (apart from God’s place, His people, and His direction). Have you ever run to your own version of Moab before? If so what was your Moab? 4) Have you ever found yourself “stuck” in a certain place in life? Did it lead to bitterness? How did that look in your life? Who did it affect? How did it affect your view towards God and your relationship with Him? 5) Can you relate to letting a struggle in your life become a part of your identity? 6) What does it mean that Jesus drank the bitter drink so we don’t have to anymore? How is that reflected in the passage from Exodus? 7) Have you ever experienced Jesus bringing back pleasantness or sweetness into your life? 8) How do we experience or receive that from Him? 9) What is Jesus speaking to you through this discussion? What does He want you to do in response?