Just Give Part 7: “Stewarding our Talent”

Jesus 120 - A podcast by Jimmy Harris

Concluding our series “Just Give,” we are reminded that Jesus calls us to give Him our talents, so we can learn to love and serve others with them. We are often tempted to think that we are insufficient and don’t have what it takes, but Jesus reminds us that all we need is willingness, and he will fill in the places we may think are lacking. Key verses: Matthew 4:17-20, Luke 5:1-11, Ephesians 2:10, 1 Peter 4:10-11 Read the key verses and discuss the following questions: 1. Have you ever been hesitant to use your talents to serve? If so, what held you back? Did you ever feel insufficient? 2. Have you really considered the idea that when you say (or feel) like you are not enough that you are telling God that His creation isn’t good enough or qualified or equipped enough? How does that change your attitude towards service and your unique gifts and abilities? 3. How does God change us? How do we participate in the change? (obey and repent as needed) 4. Can you think of a time in your life that failure led to growth? 5. Think about this statement regarding the importance of having both Courage and Humility when using our talents to serve in God’s Kingdom: "Courage without humility leads to pride, and humility without courage leads to cowardice.” How do courage and humility work together to help us grow? Do we really need both in order to grow and change? 6. If we wait till we feel fully qualified to start using our talents for God, then “One day can be the enemy of today.” What do you think of that statement? How has that been true in your life? 7. Review the notes from page 3 of the sermon regarding Identifying, Focusing, and Stewarding our Talents. What area do you most need to consider right now? Do you have a good handle on what your talents are? Do you feel you have good direction of where to focus them? How can you prioritize your efforts toward the right thing at the right time? 7. In light of Jesus call to follow Him, be changed by Him, and be on mission with him, what is one action step you feel he may be calling you to take?