Linchpin Part 3: "Love God"

Jesus 120 - A podcast by Jimmy Harris

In week 3 of “Linchpin” our study through Deuteronomy, we discuss how the love of God is on display through his law! Often the Law can feel controlling, restrictive, and outdate, yet as Moses taught and Jesus affirmed God’s Law is a reflection of His love towards us. Let’s give God’s Law a second look, and see how it may serve to benefit us and glorify Him. Key verses: Deuteronomy chapters 4-6, Matthew 5:17-20 & 19:16-20, Mark 10:21-23 & 12:28-30 Read the key verses and discuss the following questions: 1. What is the purpose of God’s Law? Do you see God’s love in his law? How so? 2. Can you think of an example of a rule your parents had for you when you were a child that you didn’t like or understand, but that your parents had in order to protect or guide you? How do you see it differently now? 3. How did Jesus use God’s Law in a conversation with the Rich Young Ruler? What was he trying to help him to see? How can God use His Law to help you see your need and His love? 4. Jesus said he came to fulfill the law – what does “fulfill” mean (see page 1 of the teaching notes)? How does Jesus fulfill the law in our lives? 5. Moses taught that it was important not to “add” to the law or “remove” anything from it. Why is this so important? How do you see people “add” or “remove” thing from God’s law today? Have you ever done that? 6. How can we see God’s Law as good and a reflection of His love towards us? (see the Sabbath Law as an example – read: Deut. 5:12-15). In this passage God’s people responded to the Law with Awe, Gratitude, and Humility. How do these responses help us to see God’s Love, and love Him back? 7. What is one take away from this discussion that you can apply this week?