“Startled by Grace" - Part 1

Jesus 120 - A podcast by Jimmy Harris

Week one of the series “Startled by Grace” is a reminder of the overwhelming compassion and love that our creator has for us, and through a familiar story, we see the first demonstration of God’s grace in Scripture. Often we are so quick to become numb to the most awe-inspiring things around us: the mountains, a sunset, and the face of a child. Just as we can become calloused to those incredible things, if we aren’t careful, we can also forget how incredibly awesome the grace of God is. Key verses: Genesis 6, Matthew 7:24-27, Hebrews 11:6-7, Ephesians 2:8-10 Read the key verses and discuss the following questions: 1. Often when we think of the story of the flood, we think of God as being angry and casting a harsh judgment. Read Genesis 6:6. What emotion does God have for man? How can this influence the way you think of how God sees you in your sin? 2. Noah was in the middle of the chaos and violence, and God walked with Him. Why is it so easy to think that God has forgotten us in the midst of a flood? How can we remind ourselves that grace is present? 3. Can you think of a time in your own life that God’s grace was present and speaking, but you had to participate? Did you? How did it impact your life? 4. Have you had a flood in your life that you created, but that you became better from? How do people have to think or change their mindsets to learn from a flood instead of drowning in it? 5. What about a flood you haven’t created? Is is easier or harder to learn from the flood of our own creation or of circumstance? Why? 6. “Faith believes in this grace and participates with it” what does that statement mean to you in your day-to-day life? 7. If you were Noah, how would you have handled God’s instructions?