Startled by Grace Part 2: “Grace for the Humble”
Jesus 120 - A podcast by Jimmy Harris
In week two of the series “Startled by Grace” we explore the importance of having a full picture of the gospel of grace, and the massive role that humility plays in experiencing the grace of God in our lives. While it is tempting to only think about the joy and peace that comes with the gift of grace, it is important to remember the real impact that sin and death have. If we can keep these real and damaging consequences in mind, we can fully share the depth of the importance of the gift of grace, and how it should be a part of our daily walk. Key verses: Ephesians 2:8, James 4:6-10, Genesis 6:14, Psalm 69 Read the key verses and discuss the following questions: 1. Have you ever considered which gospel you ascribe to? Which might be the most tempting to you? What do you see as the danger in the different ones? (Social-justice, transactional, and consumer) 2. Why are people tempted to water down the gospel? Without naming names, have you seen any of these different gospels in real life? What are the results? 3. Why are we so angered by God’s judgment of people? Can you see how humans are not in a position to judge other humans? Why or why not? 4. “Only when we see the depth of our sin will we be electrified by the wonder of grace.” What does this statement mean to you? 5. Have you seen the result of sin in someone you know/love? How does that influence the way you think about God’s judgment of sin? 6. Why does it require humility to experience the wonderful grace of God? 7. How is God’s judgment like water? How is His grace like water?