Startled by Grace Part 5: “Daily Grace”
Jesus 120 - A podcast by Jimmy Harris
In week 5 of the series “Startled by Grace” we discuss living in and enjoying daily grace. Being startled by grace is waking up everyday to the good news that God’s never-ending grace offers us. He wants to join us on our journeys and provide grace, but it often (always) requires us to step out in faith. Key verses: 1 Kings chapter 17, Matthew 27:46, and Psalm chapter 22 Read the key verses and discuss the following questions: 1. God provided for Elijah in his difficult circumstance, but that did not mean he changed the circumstance. When in your life have you seen God provide for you in a difficult circumstance even though the circumstance maybe didn’t get better? 2. How do we play a part in receiving God’s grace? 3. Elijah had to leave the brook because it dried up. When in your life has God forced you (or gently nudged) you to a change in you life to prevent you from becoming stagnant? In hindsight, how was it the right thing? Did it feel right at the time? 4. Because Elijah trusted God and went to the widow, she and her household were provided for. Have you been a part of a time that God used someone to provide for someone else with His grace? 5. Why is it so difficult to call our “mess” a mess and cry out to God? Why does He want us to do that? 6. Has their been a time in your life when you had to really cry out for God’s grace? How did He respond?