Startled by Grace Part 9: “Overcoming Grace”
Jesus 120 - A podcast by Jimmy Harris
In week 9 of the series “Startled by Grace” we discuss how God gives us grace to live victoriously! We can often face unwanted battles that can take us by surprise, but God calls us to engage in the battle and trust Him for help and victory. Key verses: Exodus 17:8-16, Ephesians 6:10-13, 1 John 5:3-4, John 3:14-16 Read the key verses and discuss the following questions: 1. Moses and God’s people got attacked after they escaped from Egypt. The enemy performed a sneak attack and came when they were faint and weary, and wandering in a desert place. Have you ever felt attacked like that? Why do you think this happens? What’s your typical reaction? 2. Moses called a few of his friends together to make a plan for facing the enemy. Is it your default reaction to ask for help when you are feeling under attack? Why or why not? Why do you think its important for us to ask for help? 3. When Moses came up with a plan for fighting the enemy there were both practical and spiritual parts to his plan. Why is that important? What happens if we neglect one or the other when facing our enemy? (Read Ephesians 6:10-13 for some direction) 4. Why do you think Moses arms had to be raised during battle in order for Israel to win? Why did he need friends to hold up his arms? If God was going to help them win the battle, why did Joshua still have to go out and fight with an army? 5. After the battle was won, God told Moses to make sure to share the reminder of this victory and the promise of future victory with a young Joshua. Why was that important, how does that relate to us? 6. The story ends with Moses making a memorial calling God our Banner or Standard. What is the significance of this? How does it relate to Jesus our savior? (See teaching notes for explanation on “banner” or “standard” if needed)