30 Jun 2020 – BLM & Antifa are Iconoclastic Heretics

Jesus 911 - A podcast by Jesse Romero, Eddie Chavez, Ruben Nava

Today's Topics: 1-4) Abp.of San Francisco Performs Exorcism at Destruction Site of St. Junípero SerraStatue https://churchpop.com/2020/06/27/abp-of-san-francisco-performs-exorcism-at-destruction-site-of-st-junipero-serra-statue-video-inside/?utm_campaign=ChurchPop&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=90362445&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_yt8Z0qjJevClUbBSdtfETaTikXll8BOmpmTFJXNgB336Kpxzg4Z6QCK4osZ2yUgxrTR7KZ0ydM_WjSwg-ShRXmkBa8w&utm_content=90362445&utm_source=hs_email *BISHOP: PROTECT STATUES  Bishop Donald Hying of Madison, WI, denounced rioters for targeting statues of historical figures. “Should certain statues be placed in museums or storage? Perhaps. Should we let a group of vandals make those decisions for us? No,” Bishop Hying said. “If we allow the commemorative and visual history of our nation to be destroyed by random groups in the current moment of anger, how will we ever learn from that history?”  READ https://www.complicitclergy.com/2020/06/25/i-cannot-remain-silent-madisons-bishop-catholic-bishop-condemns-destruction-of-religious-statues/ *FIGHTING THE MOB  A group of Catholics banded together to protect the statue of Saint Junipero Serra in front of Ventura City Hall as a crowd threatened to topple the statue. “Event participants harassed and taunted those in support of the statue, disparaging the opinions, religion, race, and personal appearance of those they disagreed with,” reported Mary Rose.  READ https://www.facebook.com/SanAntonioFamilyAssociation/posts/3025982087518031 *STATUE DEBATE  President Trump said that he can understand if some statues are removed and placed in museums. “I can understand certain things being taken down, but they ought to go through a process legally. And then we take it down and, [in] some cases, put them in museums or wherever they may go, but these are really rioters, and [there's] a lot of bad people involved," Trump said.  READ