Ep 90 - More Mangione, Lina MF'N Khan, Nikki Giovanni

DARK WOKE - A podcast by Janaya Future Khan

There are updates on the sexy, Italian-American, tech bro bisexual who committed the crime of not stealing our hearts sooner, and a couple other tings, allegedly. More Mangione. We start there, and take off with a breakdown of the FTC and the run of W's banked by the Chair Lina Khan, whose been a thorn in the side of billionaires over the past several years. Lastly, we pay homage to Nikki Giovanni, the revolutionary poet and scholar mighty enough to render James Baldwin momentarily speechless. Jump in with Janaya Future Khan. SUPPORT THE SHOW  Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/JanayaFK Tip w/ a One Time Donation - https://buymeacoffee.com/janayafk SUBSCRIBE + FOLLOW  IG - www.instagram.com/jfktodayshow/ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@JanayaFK TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@janayafk