JIB/JAB - Episode 24: Judge Eboe-Osuji on the ICC, "Attack," and Much More!

JIB/JAB Podcast - A podcast by JIB/JAB - The Laws of War Podcast


Discussion with Judge Chile Eboe-Osuji, who's terms as Judge and President of the ICC ended recently, on his role in the development of the ICC, and on some of the criticisms of the Court. We examine the meaning of "attack" in the Rome Statute through the lens of the Ntaganda case, and the relationship between so-called Hague Law and Geneva Law, and between war crimes and crimes against humanity, all within the context of the object and purpose of IHL, and the need for intelligibility and accessibility as a fundamental component of the rule of law - fascinating discussion! For links to materials discussed, see our website: https://jibjabpodcast.com