Ep 105 – Patricia Watwood : The Spirit in Excellence
John Dalton - gently does it . . . - A podcast by John Dalton
Patreon and Paypal link Patricia Watwood paints beautiful contemporary classical figurative paintings full of allegory, myth and debris. She has a wealth of knowledge about painting and art history which she shares freely in our conversation. She exhibits at galleries and institutions around the world including solo museum shows. Her work is part of international public and private collections. Here are the main points of what we talk about: Sources of inspiration, Idea recording, Photo reference, Working with models, Videoing models, Portrait models, Choosing models, Muses, Drawing body parts separately, Transfering drawings to canvas, Under painting, Colour palette, Substrates, Mediums, Brushes, Form sense, Atelier training alternatives, Rituals, Peer groups, Female body issues, Big beauty, Beauty with a small b, ”babes on sheets”, Motherhood, Walking under an infinite sky, Underlying themes, Portrait commision pricing, Portrait commision practicalities, Social media, Most moving paintings to make, Big art dreams, Artistic challenges, To find out more about Patricia and her work go to: http://www.patriciawatwood.com/ Most moving paintings to make . . . Pandora by Patricia Watwood Fallen Caryatid by Patricia Watwood IV (lighthouse) Fallen Caryatid by Patricia Watwood III (factory) Fallen Caryatid by Patricia Watwood II (bridge) Fallen Caryatid by Patricia Watwood I (snake) Referenced in the podcast . . . Patricia Watwood Underpainting Palette Paint Underpainting palette White (Gamblin Flake White Replacement) Yellow ochre Deep (Michael Harding) Burnt Sienna (Michael Harding) Blue-black ( mixture of ultramarine and ivory black- Gamblin ) or Blue Black (Winsor-Newton and Holbein both make one) (Payne-s Grey by Gamblin is very similar but is Ultramarine and Mars Black… ) Patricia Watwood Limited Palette Full palette White (Gamblin Flake White Replacement) and/or Michael Harding Cremnitz White Radiant Yellow – Gamblin Yellow Ochre Deep Italian orange ochre (Williamsburg) Brilliant pink (Holbein) Cadmium red light (Gamblin) Burnt sienna (Michael Harding or Gamblin) Venetian red (Gamblin) Raw umber (Gamblin) Viridian (Gamblin) Cinnabar green (Holbein) Kings blue (Williamsburg, or Michael Harding) Ultramarine (Gamblin) Manganese violet (Gamblin) Ivory Black (Gamblin) Brushes Rosemary Brushes Palette Knife Palette Knife Loew Cornell J 12 Patricia Watwood Full Palette Books Juliette Aristides Essays Patricia’s paper presented at TRAC 2014 Big Beauty and Form Sense in Contemporary Figurative Practice Walking Under and Infinite Sky by Patricia Watwood & Stefan Hagen Ep 61- Daniel Maidman : Honesty And Hope Ep 52 – Jenny Morgan : Artmaking And The Open Heart Thanks for listening! Click here to support the podcast. Subscribe on iTunes Theme music by The Argyle Pimps. Thanks lads.