Ep 45 – Stephen Bauman : Finding Yourself As An Artist

John Dalton - gently does it . . . - A podcast by John Dalton


Stephen Bauman is an award winning artist and principal instructor with the Florence Academy of art in their Swedish campus.  Last year I wrote an article about living masters working today and Stephen was in that list of artists. We had a great conversation covering everything from his beginnings as a graffiti artist, to his classical training, and finding yourself as an artist. Here is what we talk about: Early roots in Miami graffiti, Coming to  classical art training, Artistic heroes, Working in different mediums, Water based oil paints, Teaching art, Knowing your materials, Tim’s Vermeer, Collaboration, Living in Sweden, Odd Nerdrum, Spousal feedback, Methods of working, To find out more about Stephen and his work http://www.stephenbaumanart.com/ Thanks for listening! Click here to support the podcast.   Subscribe on iTunes Theme music by The Argyle Pimps. Thanks lads.