A Non dispensational biblical view of Modern-Day Israel Featuring Dave Gardner Episode 94

Josh Monday Christian and Conspiracy Podcast - A podcast by Josh Monday

Josh Monday Christian and Conspiracy Podcast Episode 94    Please follow me on Instagram @Joshmonday_Podcast     To all of our current and future subscribers thank you for your time, we appreciate you. Please do us a favor subscribe, hit that bell, share, like and comment below. Please leave us a 5-Star review on Apple and Spotify.    This week we have returning Guest Dave Gardner. In this show Dave shows us a Non dispensational AMillennial interpretation of the Modern-day Isael. By not only using scripture but also using nondisclosed history to back his claims up. We get into World War 1 and the Bolshevik revolution. We get into the Rothchilds and the international bankers roll in Modern Day Israel. We get into who funded the Nazi's. We get into a bunch of scriptures that show that we the church are the Israel of the bible. We get into the Scholfield bible and how dispensationalism was used by the seminaries to have the church accept Modern Day Israel. We get into when Jesus was calling out the Pharisees and how what Jesus was referring too still applies to the religious Jews of today. We get into how the New World Order is trying to bring about a one world religion. We get into a whole bunch more tune in to find out.    Thank you, God, and every one that subscribed to you tube we just hit 1000 subscribers let's try to hit 10,000.