Gary Wayne World Econimic Forum and Commitee of 300 Episode 103

Josh Monday Christian and Conspiracy Podcast - A podcast by Josh Monday

Josh Monday Christian and Conspiracy Podcast Episode 103   Please follow my Instagram @Joshmonday_Podcast           Please subscribe to our Spotify help us grow so we can keep on spreading the good news.  To all of our current and future subscribers thank you for your time, we appreciate you. Please do us a favor subscribe, hit that bell, share, like and comment below. Please leave us a 5-Star review on Apple and Spotify.     This week we have Author of Genesis 6 Conspiracy and Christian contrarian Gary Wayne. Gary has been a guest in our show before and needs no introduction. He crushes it every time he is on our show. We get into the history of the World Economic Forum. Gary goes over the 7 agendas they are trying to complete. He lets us know what secret society they are operating under. You will find out if Klaus Schwab is really an Rothchild. We get into Climate Change agenda. We get into King Charles III and his involvement in the World Econimic Forum. We get into smart cities and what purpose for the New World Order they will serve. We get into a whole lot more please tune in to find out.    Please check out Gary's Website to Purchase his book:  Here is Gary's You tube:  @garywaynegenesis6conspirac421 ​