Skull and Bones, Ivy league College Secret Societies, Illuminati Grooming Ft Robyn Freebird1.0 EP 92

Josh Monday Christian and Conspiracy Podcast - A podcast by Josh Monday

Josh Monday Christian and Conspiracy Podcast Episode 92    Please follow me on Instagram @Joshmonday_Podcast   To all of our current and future subscribers thank you for your time, we appreciate you. Please do us a favor subscribe, hit that bell, share, like and comment on our You tube page @Joshmondaymusic and Podcast. Please leave us a 5-Star review on Apple and Spotify.     This week we have a special guest for you, she has 2 amazing instagram pages Freebird1.0 and Freebird2.0 her name is Robyn. We get into High School Secret society called Skull and Wreath. We go into the Notable members that graduated from Phillips Academy the High School that Skull and Wreath is from. We get into the Bush family and all their connections to Skull and bones, Skull and Wreath, The Noze Brotherhood and the Wolfs head society. We get into the 8 main elite High Schools and their notable members that have Graduated from these schools. We get into The Skull and Bones Secret Society and their history. We get into the Bush Vs Kerry 2004 Election. We get into Secret Societies of Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Dartmouth, Columbia, Oxford and Cambridge. We go over the Notable Members of these secret societies. Also we show you what secret society our current President Joe Biden was in.  Its all about Grooming these people to be selected for positions of power.