A Conversation with Kevin Palmieri & Joshua T Berglan

Joshua T Berglan 'The World's Mayor' - A podcast by Joshua T Berglan 'The World's Mayor'

Welcome to A Conversation with Kevin Palmieri & Joshua T Berglan! In this coversation Kevin drops tons of wisdom while speaking about pursuing our dreams, family, overcoming challenges in business, overcoming suicidal thoughts, and the true meaning of being an alpha male.Thank you for being a part of this broadcast!Joshua T BerglanMeet KevinI am the CFO, Founder & Co-Host of Next Level University, a Global Top 100 Self-Improvement Podcast with more than 1,200 episodes and 600K+ listens in over 125 countries. Some people find rock bottom... I found out that rock bottom had a basement. In my mid 20's... I had it all. I had a beautiful girlfriend, high-paying job, sports car, my dream body... but I still ended up sitting on the edge of a bed debating suicide. After my rock bottom moment, I went all in on holistic self-improvement. I was determined to overcome my anxiety, and depression and to finally live the life I'd always dreamed of. Years later, I now host a podcast that impacts hundreds of thousands of people in countries all over the world. At this stage, I've helped grow the podcast into a multi six-figure business, and I've recorded well over 1,000 episodes. I've also given hundreds of speeches, trainings and coaching calls with people all over the world. The main thing that changed was ME. I focused on learning what I didn't know (unlearning a lot too), and my life started to shift.Listen To Next Level University https://www.nextleveluniverse.com/podcastLooking for a shorter clip of this broadcast? Check out What Does It Really Mean to Be an Alpha Male? https://youtu.be/xEiLwxKD_1cThank you to our SponsorsFilmora bit.ly/3KF42fl Kings Counsel & Trust bit.ly/3Zir2Vk Descript bit.ly/3kx9iXu Supapass bit.ly/3SEBWTh Media Company in A Box bit.ly/41woO6T