What I have Learned Since I Started Following Jesus by Joshua T Berglan
Joshua T Berglan 'The World's Mayor' - A podcast by Joshua T Berglan 'The World's Mayor'

Thank you for being a part of "What I have Learned Since I Started Following Jesus" a Spoken Word by Joshua T Berglan.Spoken Word is not a WORD from God, it is Joshua speaking from the heart, with no script, no filter, and no editing out flubs, misspeak, or words that may be considered inappropriate.Unlike other video broadcasts that require a membership to view, this one is available to the public.On this broadcast we discuss....The God Dream PathEyes Fixed on Him is better advice than you thinkNo room for the Holy Spirit when we are filled with junkCan the Word of God reside in us? Is that possible?There is no reason to have fearChrist wants the best from us and not in some hokey feel-good way