81. Are You Really Enough?
Joyce Meyer's Talk It Out Podcast - A podcast by Joyce Meyer - Tuesdays

This one goes out to all the ones who wonder if they’ll ever be good enough. Too many of us go through life feeling totally insignificant, believing the enemy’s lies about our value and thinking we’ll never measure up for countless reasons. If you’re in that place right now, take a minute to soak up this good news: no matter what you’ve experienced, what you do or don’t have, or what anyone thinks, you’re anything but disqualified. You’re actually perfectly designed and equipped for everything God has planned for you. Tune in for a few everyday examples from Joyce, Ginger, Jai and Erin that will help you remember this game-changing truth and see yourself the way God does—as His cherished child with a unique destiny, much-needed purpose, and immeasurable potential.