Singer/Songwriter: Hannah Bethel

Jrodconcerts: The Podcast - A podcast by Jamie A Rodriguez


We welcome Hannah Bethel, a trailblazing Artist, crafting a unique sound to the show. Celebrating her forthcoming EP 'Until The Sun Comes Back Around' (Out 3/25/22) Hannah who is Nashville based and hails from Wisconsin, is ready to share what is her most powerful EP yet. Hannah's musical artistry reflects who she is: a fierce, independent, wild, and untamed spirit. Her music captures the essence of her signature sound by blending elements of the many genres and styles that have influenced her writing and creative expression. Being fearless and unafraid to bare her deepest feelings in her songs reflects her lifestyle – from solo backpacking in the deserts of Arizona and the mystical Joshua Tree, to hiking snow-peaked mountains in Alaska – our guest lives her life to the fullest Join us as Hannah shares with Jamie a plethora of topics. Among them, why embracing one's own problem's is challenging, how an album's musical theme evolves, the importance of outdoor living, Nashville's musical community and more. Check out 'Until The Sun Comes Back Around' Out everywhere on March 25th. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit