Episode 376: B Mitzvah, Reconstructed - Lauren Grabelle Herrmann

Judaism Unbound - A podcast by Institute for the Next Jewish Future

Lauren Grabelle Herrmann, rabbi at SAJ: Judaism that Stands for All -- the synagogue where the first-ever Bat Mitzvah took place in 1922 -- joins Dan Libenson and Lex Rofeberg about re-visioning B Mitzvah for the next 100 years. This episode is the 2nd in an ongoing mini-series of Judaism Unbound episodes, honoring Bat Mitzvah's 100th anniversary, and exploring the present and future of B Mitzvah ("B Mitzvah" is a term for Jewish coming-of-age ceremonies, across the gender spectrum). Looking to immerse in ongoing course offerings at the UnYeshiva? Apply for our certificate program in Unbound Judaism by heading to JudaismUnbound.com/certificate (the application deadline for our inaugural cohort is approaching: April 30th, 2023)! To register for upcoming mini-courses in the UnYeshiva, head to JudaismUnbound.com/classes.