8: How NOT To Write A Song (feat. Pat Finnerty)

Justin Hawkins Rides Again - A podcast by Justin Hawkins


Welcome to Justin Hawkins Rides again…the podcast. Every week I will be discussing a theme regarding the pitfalls of the music industry or speaking with an insightful guest. This week I’m joined by Pat Finnerty. Pat is a musician and also runs an incredibly popular YouTube channel where he dissects songs to understand why they, well…aren’t that great it’s called “What Makes This Song Stink”. This is a great conversation because Pat is incredibly knowledgeable about music, songwriting and the culture that surrounds the music industry as a whole.    After this, make sure to check out his YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@pat_finnerty You can watch this episode on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/BNUSrAtRHxQ For now, please to enjoy.