KDMEO Episode 8 - A Werewolf Boy

K-Drama My Eyes Out - A podcast by Judy, Linda and Teresa


This week, Judy and Linda watched "A Werewolf Boy" (2012), starring Linda's favourite actor, Song Joongki, and Park Boyoung. They are joined by a special guest, Robert, who inadvertently watched the second half of the movie. Let's face it though, he didn't miss much in the first half. We were...confused. Is this a romantic movie? Judy was convinced it was supposed to be a romance that didn't quite achieve the emotional payoff that it was hoping for. Linda and Robert thought that the romantic feelings were one-sided, from Cheolsu (Song Joongki)'s point of view, while Suni (Park Boyoung) treated him like a pet dog. Either way, Suni is a terrible person. What were your thoughts on the movie? Did you like it? Do you have any theories on how Cheolsu came to have his powers? Can you answer our questions better than the movie can? Please enlighten us on Facebook or Twitter (@kdramamyeyesout) or e-mail us! Download this and other episodes and while you're there, write us a review: Apple Podcasts Google Play Music Stitcher Libsyn RSS The KDMEO theme music is 'Cute', by Bensound (www.bensound.com), and is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No-Derivatives 4.0 International. Wolf sound effect: Soundbible.com (click here for the link)