The Lost Art of Golf – What difference can it make for YOUR golf – with Gary Nicol #150

Mind Caddie - Improve Your Mental Golf Game - A podcast by Karl Morris - Fridays

Today we are joined on the ‘Brain Booster’ by a good friend of the show and co - author of the ‘Lost Art Series’ Gary Nicol. On the previous occasions Gary has been on the show the feedback has been tremendous. Gary himself spent over twenty years on the European Tour coaching some of the best players in the world. You don’t stay in such an environment for so long unless you get RESULTS. Gary is not one of the ‘latest guru’s’ who appoint themselves as an expert by virtue of a social media presence. Gary served his time at the coal face of the game finding out by direct experience what did and did not have value. His experience was a vital ingredient in the formation of the key elements to the Lost Art series. We have collaborated for a number of years now and as we have worked together the synergy in our approach has grown. Since the launch of the ‘Lost Art of Putting” and the ‘Lost Art of Golf’ we have been overwhelmed by the response. So many golfers getting in touch to express how the ideas in the book have resonated so deeply. We got the chance to discuss this in our time and it only reinforced the sense that so many golfers want a break from the shackles imposed upon them by so much technical coaching. We live in a world of information overload and perhaps more than ever it seems golfers are crying out for an approach that is both practical and applicable on the GOLF COURSE Gary reflected on some of the key elements he has learned over the years and we got the chance to discuss some new ideas around practice and the way to spend your winter time more effectively. It was as always a real pleasure to spend time with Gary again developing the ‘Lost Art’ story. I know you will enjoy and benefit from his vast experience and wisdom If you haven’t got a copy of either ‘The Lost Art of Putting’ or ‘The Lost Art of Golf’ then you can pick up a copy at If you want to LEARN in LOCKDOWN and become a Certified Mind Factor Coach then join us for the LIVE STREAM Take action NOW Go to