r/TalesFromTechSupport - CEO Wants Me To REDESIGN The Entire Company JUST For This?
Karma Stories - A podcast by KCC Rob

Welcome back to the Karma Stories podcast! In this episode, Rob shares four unbelievable Tales From Tech Support that will make you appreciate your IT team even more. From a baffling VPN issue during lockdown to a hilariously impractical request from a CEO, these stories highlight the daily challenges tech support professionals face. Tune in to hear about users who struggle with basic instructions, facepalming moments, and the lengths IT workers go to solve problems. Don't miss out—hit that follow button and enjoy these tech support nightmares!Submit your own stories to [email protected] out our NEW PODCAST! Karma Crime!https://kccyt.com/KarmaCrimeApplePodcastshttps://kccyt.com/KarmaCrimeSpotifyhttps://kccyt.com/KarmaCrimeAmazonMusichttps://kccyt.com/KarmaCrimeDeezerKarma Stories is available on all major Podcasting Platforms and on YouTube under the @KarmaStoriesPodcast handle. We cover stories from popular Reddit Subreddits like Entitled Parents, Tales From Tech Support, Pro Revenge and Malicious Compliance. You can find new uploads here every single day of the week!Rob's 3D Printing Site: https://Dangly3D.comBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/karma-stories--5098578/support.