Working With Ancestors
Keeping Her Keys: At The Crossroads of Modern Life and the Deeper World - A podcast by Cyndi Brannen - Thursdays
It is traditional to honor ancestors during Samhain. These can be loving remembrances leading to conversations with them, or more intense healing of our familial line. However you are working with ancestors, may you find connection and comfort. "We are the embodiment of a thousand dreams, and we stand on top of an eternal bone pile. In a way, we function as Anassa Eneroi over our own lineage. What is shockingly absent from mainstream culture is veneration of the departed. Even Halloween, once a time for connecting with ancestors, has been thoroughly commercialized. Yet still, there is the presence of death in many of our Halloween festivities—from children in cute ghost get-ups to decorations of skeletons. We have a need to connect with death. Intentionally honoring the departed can be a beautiful experience. We can connect with “ancestors of spirit,” those with whom we feel a kindred bond, in spite of a lack of blood ties. This can include writers, celebrities, and other figures. Whatever memories we have of those of our flesh who have departed this world—whether troubling or beautiful, or more likely both—we are a result of their lives." - from Entering Hekate's Cave. Prayer and Ritual to Hekate For The Dead HERE.