27. Robyn Smith: First Time Marathoner & Charity Runner
Keeping Up with Kelsey: A Running Podcast - A podcast by Kelsey Cansler

Once upon a time, many moons ago, I met my dear friend Robyn Smith while volunteering to stuff goody bags for the Knoxville Marathon. She was the volunteer coordinator and we became such good friends after hitting it off so well. Robyn recently completed her first, and what she says her last, full marathon. I wanted to bring her on the show to talk about her experience and to share her story of how she became a marathoner! She ran the Chicago Marathon all while raising more than $5800 for the Autism Speaks charity. On this episode, Robyn discusses why she chose that specific charity, what her training was like, why she will never run another marathon, and if running with a sign on your back saying that it is your birthday is a good idea or not during a race. Robyn's story is so inspiring and I am just thrilled to death for her that she knocked this huge goal off of her list. Enjoy! Mentioned in the show: Chicago Marathon Autism Speaks RunKnox Knoxville Track Club Chicago Area Runner’s Association Knoxville Marathon Cades Cove Loop Lope Flying Pig Marathon Great Smoky Mountains Half Marathon Follow Kelsey: Instagram @thegogirlblog Facebook Twitter @thegogirlblog Blog Facebook Group If you like what you hear, please subscribe and leave a (5 star) rating/review on iTunes.