Thanks For Being Here Kelly's Eulogy for her Mom

Kelly Corrigan Wonders - A podcast by Kelly Corrigan


Hi all - this is Tammy writing.  This past Tuesday, June 4th, 2024, I had the honor of attending the funeral service for Kelly's mom, the indomitable Mary Corrigan - lovingly known as "Jammy" to her six grandkids.  I also had the privilege of witnessing a very tight, special family gather around their remarkable matriarch at the end of her life.  We all have that one friend whose mom was maybe a little bit intimidating when we were younger but who we respected the hell out of and wanted desperately to like us - that was Mrs. Corrigan for me.  I was thrilled that as I got older, she actually did seem to like me.  I remember one time when I stopped by in recent years, she invited me to sit in her beautiful living room at 168 Wooded Lane and proceeded to ask me questions about my life, and talked with me for over an hour.  Another time when I visited, she sat me at her kitchen table and showed me how, when watching football on TV, I could look at the little arrows on the scoreboard to determine which team currently had the ball - I felt like I had hit the lottery.  When Mary Corrigan shined her light on you, it was unforgettable.One thing (among many) that the Corrigan family does very well is honor and celebrate family.  GT, Booker and Kelly each delivered a moving, intimate, often humorous eulogy for their one-of-a-kind mom, in front of the hundreds of people who filled St. Thomas of Villanova church to honor her this past Tuesday. Today, we're sharing Kelly's. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit