#200. Amy 在公館夜市開路邊攤的過程(訪談 Part 3)

Kevin 英文不難 - A podcast by Kevin


"everyday we'd push the cart I would say oh how long would it be? About 50 to 100 meters. We push it from the little warehouse to the to the place" Amy 表示,在還沒開餐廳之前,他每天要從倉庫推車子一路推到公館夜市,還要忍受炎熱夏天,和溼冷冬天。不過,生意很不錯,許多回頭看,所以很快也從到錢開店。 ---- 免費 Podcast 講義:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast