1/14/23: Exodus 9
Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

"Keys" of the Kingdom; Hab 2:14; Cities of blood; Common purse; Whose blood do you live on?; Debt ceiling; What did Moses mean?; Dates of Moses; Masoretic texts; Ages of biblical characters; Shem and Abraham; Melchizedek = righteous king of peace; vs Forced offerings; Snare of welfare; Ex 9:1 - Fifth plague - livestock die; Spirit of Babylon; Today's world in bondage of Egypt - forever; "harden"; Pharaoh's heart; Miracle?; Visions of Moses; Meaning of the message; Severing cattle; Sprinkling ashes?; Knowing the Holy Spirit; Tularemia; Sparing Israel; Evidence of belief; Revelation; Breath of God; Sixth plague - dust and boils; Pharoah's free choice; Manipulation?; v13 - serving God; Deluge of hail; Moses's instructions; No hail in Goshen; Network of love; "sin" = miss the mark: chet-ted-aleph+tav+yod; limited food in Egypt; "Wicked" ayin-shin-resh; What's important?; Sabbath and debt; Wrath of God; The Way (of Christ) Out; Meditation - setting the scene for prayer; Doing God's will; Skill familiarity; Automating bad practices; PTSD; God working in you; Psylocibin; Righteous welfare; Following the Holy Spirit; Are we the beasts?; Selfishness vs sacrifice; Dealing with trauma; Practicing freedom; Government of, for and by the people; Serving someone; Altars of clay and stone; "Corban"; Communism; Chezak - strengthen (the poor); Pure religion; Our path to destruction; Form the Living Network to love your neighbor.