1/23/21: Heaven Continued

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Seek kingdom of heaven and righteousness of God; Misconstrued thinking; Pharisaical law enforcement; Membership expectation; Saul's foolishness; Elders in control; What Christ commanded; Mt: 20:25, De 17; Review of morning program; Despising dominion; False prophets; Sabbath keepers?; Politics of Jesus; Peter's revelation/rock; Keys of the kingdom; Selling our brothers into slavery; Dealing with debt; Children of the state; Changes you need to make; The world's governments of force; Christ's good news; "Ouranos"; "Church" specific and its mission; Being still yet active; Overcoming myths; Oppression on the rise; What are you waiting for?; Elder interactions in congregation; Two types of prayer; Finding charity and forgiveness in your heart; Methods of congregating; Meditation; The journey; Join the network!; Your most important task…