1/30/21: Jesus Was Extremely Political

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Minor prophets had same message as major prophets; No king but Caesar; Your gods; The "world" of God's kingdom; Jesus was extremely political; Taxation is force; Modern Christians are OK with covetous practices; The Living Network; US Corporation; Acne - symptoms vs causes; Liberty of God in His kingdom; Thinking like Christ; Prophets of the beast; Schools in early America; Righteousness; Ministers in tens, hundreds and thousands pattern; Imperial Cult of Rome; What made America great; Things Jesus would NOT do; The power of God; Forgive and leave judgement to God; Healing the blind man; Synagogue network; Surviving the decline and fall of the empire; Blind guides; Electing savages; Passports; Roman's laws on religion - tax excluded; Modern "Rome"; Passport functions; Christian "logos"; Evil's endgame; Nehemiah 2:7-9 (passports); Becoming free souls under God - again; Republics; Freewill offerings; Saul's forced offering; Giving away your power; US Constitution; Passport = agreement owing allegiance; Guru theories; Christ's way; Distraction from the real problem; Countering guru claims; Buzzwords renew hypnosis; "Nationals" and "citizens"; Sovereign? Or bondservants of Christ?; FDR and LBJ; Passport of Christ; No oaths; Christ, the alien; His appointed trusteeship; Apostle = ambassador; "National" defined; "Internationals"; Non-Malaysian Malaysians; Cemeteries; "Permanent" relationships; Where do all the pieces fit?; The answer is Christ!; Do as He instructed!; Where's your allegiance?; Prove it!; The modern church is not the "we"/"us" of Paul's letters; Polybius quote on appetite for benefits; Becoming less-dependent on man's government; Taking care of each other; Come together in the name of Christ.