10/12/24: Mark 12
Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory
Topical Mark; gods; Temples as government buildings; Free bread; "Religion"; Political parties in Judea; Gospel of the Kingdom; The true church?; Bishops; Festivals; Sharing vs Pharisees way; Teaching righteousness; Hardening of hearts; Early Church ministrations; Christian conflict with Rome; Rewards/wages of unrighteousness; Fulfilling prophecy; Who was the king in Jerusalem?; Romans; Modern churches; Are you following the bible?; Who's your "father"?; Mark 1:1 Son of God; Democracy?; Republic; Church form of government; Jubilee; Diminishing freedom; Benefit addiction; God's kingdom vs world kingdoms; Melchizedek; Seeking His kingdom and righteousness; Good Samaritan; Acting like Christians; Coming in the name of Christ; Mark 12:1 parable; Government corruption; Welfare snares; Changing your future; Understanding Moses; Catching Jesus with word?; Mark 12:14 trap; Crucifixion; Why Rome was in Judea; Temple at Ephesus; Paul's history; Rhomaios; Graven images; Coin discussion; Sophistry - changing meanings of words; "Cash"?; Love; Worship?; Dressing and keeping; Whole truth; Sadducees; Doctrine of men; Understanding more of the gospel; God of the living; First commandment; Repentance; Loving neighbor as self; Sacrifice; "Scribe"; Oppression; Keeping ministers honest; Coveting neighbors' goods; Conforming to Christ; Contradictory denominations; Sacrifices; Welfare through the Church; Gathering in Tens, Hundreds and Thousands; Robbing widows and orphans - every day; Hearing the cries of the needy; You must change first; String whip; Finding men you trust; Joining the network; Changing your way - together; "Treasury"; Restoring men to their families and possessions; Manna; Mt 21:33; God, the capitalist; Golden calf; Levites; Owning things common; Public Religion; Follow the WAY of Christ.