10/16/21: Nahum 3

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Absolutely essential for YOU to sit down in Tens, Hundreds and Thousands to care for neighbors; Roman Senate; What binds you together?; "Libera Res Publica"; Biting one another; Clarifying times of the minor prophets; Pharaoh Moses; Conflict with Pharaoh; Captivity and bondage - then and now; Right to revolt?; Practicing fervent charity; Pure Religion; Review Nahum 1; World-wide Social Security; Making yourselves merchandise; No exercising authority; Forced Social Security; Violating Sabbath; "Nineveh" and Assyria; Owning you; Losing freedom; Abandoning Christ; Called-out Levites; Caring for neighbor as self; Churches made America great; Perfect law of liberty; Your complicity in forcing your neighbor; Deleted history; Nahum 3:1; Who is your source of truth?; Daily ministration; Modern Christian (bloody city) liars; Blood - mem-yod-mem; Becoming prey; Jer 26:15; Ez 7:23; Neighborly love or tyranny; Ez 22:2; Your idols; Ez 24:6; Hos 6:8; You live in the bloody city, and you are the prey; Nahum 3:2; Chariots; "Emperor"; Biblical constitutions; Returning to republic; Our whoredoms, harlot and witchcraft; tet-vav-biet-tav; Woman = caregiver = social welfare system; The Church established by Christ; "Witchcraft" - 3785 kaf-shin-pei + yod + mem; Loving your enemy; Gimel = cause/effect = reward/punishment; "gazingstock"; Untranslated meaning; Nineveh; Bondage of Egypt; Do you see your mistakes?; Seeking God's kingdom; Come together; Nahum 3:8; "populous" - aleph-mem-vav-nun = architect/workman; Better to know the Holy Spirit/comforter; Seek righteousness; Nahum fond of "kaf" (crown); Finding the bride of Christ; Coming in the name of Christ; Comprehending Nahum's metaphors; Share this message; Gather together to operate in a free society by faith, hope and charity; Repent ; America's greatness; Witness your iniquity; Choose Christ; creating bands of free society; Christ came to save others; Will you?; Hear His voice; Do what He says; Understand His kingdom and righteousness.