10/19/24: Mark of the Beast
Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory
His Church X space; Nicaea; One True Church?; "Lake of Fire"; What's important?; Past mistaken scripture; Mark of the Beast; Mark of God; Number of the beast; Rev 19:20; "Worship"; Becoming friends with the unrighteous mammon; :Runaway Slave; Walking with Holy Spirit; Buying and selling; Marketplaces; Sales tax; Self-protection; "Beast"; vs Christ's system; Charity; Bank accounts; Christian persecution; Private religion; "666"; Repeating history; Living (white) stones; Cities of blood; Socialism; Evidence of registration; Rapture?; 2 Tim 2:26; Capitalism; Legal title; vs Equitable title; Seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; Means of production; Passover; Courts of the people; Admiralty law; Equity law; Judiciary Act; Following Christ's way; Networking; "Charagma" = "mark"; Repentance; United States federal government; Judicial power; Becoming human resources; Being doers; Random recordings; Genetic code; Service to others; Quantum entanglement; Entangling with Christ; Tree of Life; Seeing what God is showing you; Doctrine of Christ; Dressing and keeping; Fatherless homes; Robot and chicks story; Going the wrong way; Darren Q: CFRs and USC; Religious freedom; Role of The Church; Freedom under God; Roman law?; Natural law?; Mixing Church and State; Caring for one another; Elders and ministers; Making covenants with the world; Where is your faith?; Your ultimate salvation; Form or join congregations.