10/23/21: Pastors

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Old vs New testaments; Both important - Christ quotes Old testament; Living by faith; Church roll call; Members?; Who's "we"?; "World" at the time of Christ; Sitting in darkness; Your tree of knowledge; Being willing to see truth about yourself; "Brutish pastors"; PreparingYou.com; HisHolyChurch.org; Are you listening to the Holy Spirit?; Pastors today; NT: Shepherd - poimen; Shepherds of righteousness; Herdsman; No office of "elder" in the Church; OT: resh-ayin-heh; Authority of pastors; Pastors tend pastures; Fertile soil and good health; Shepherding for better life; "resh" for rulers; The just/righteous shall live by faith; Giving to ministers; Seek the love of Christ; YOUR Temple; Forcing your neighbor; Mark 6:39; Paul's not the problem; Charity and freewill offerings; Beware mistranslations; Peter's wealth; "Idiotes" = unregistered; Nazarene Essenes; Justin's apology explaining the Church; Birth registration; Marcus Aurelias; Find and love the truth.