10/26/24: Mark 14

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Mark 13 highlights; Christ's return; What Christ was preaching; Moses, Abraham and Melchizedek; Freewill offerings; Conquered people; Was Jesus a socialist?; Jubilee; "Corban"?; Making the word of God to none effect; "Leaven"; Men who exercise authority; How are you taking care of the needy of your society?; Temple built without hands?; Cities of blood; Graven images; Fleshpots; Freedom from things public; Lk 22:29; Lk 12:23, John 10:10; Denying truth; Knowing history; Mark 14:1 Plotting against Jesus; Scribes?; "Religion"; Seared consciences; Where is your faith?; Killing care; Obtaining protection from God; False Christians; Precious oil?; Lk 7:37, John 12:3; "Spikenard"; Simon the leper; Nicodemus; John 19:39; King in Judea; Taking back responsibilities; Power of choice; Walking in spirit; Strengthening the poor; Sodom; Setting others free; Better Nimrods?; Charity; Jesus anointed with oil; Proclaimed king by the people; Baptized by John the Baptist; Are you spiritually following Christ?; 1 John 2:19; Memorials; Government of, for and by the people; Mk 14:10 Judas Iscariot; Helping the poor; Sanhedrin (70); Anointed king, firing moneychangers; Deciding the rightful king of Jerusalem; Giving power to a king; Bondage of Egypt; Rehoboam; Inheriting rights; Repentance; 1 John 2:19; v12 Passover; Men carrying water?; Moving in the spirit; Who to follow?; Who will betray?; Mt 26:25; Body and blood; Eating/drinking in the kingdom?; Lk 22:16; Lk 24:40; John 21:9; How taken from Pharisees?; Peter's offense; Knowing the whole gospel; "Skandalizo"; Welfare snare and trap - distrusting the way of Christ; Legal charity; Denying Christ; v26 Singing?; Strengthening the poor; Capitalism; Associations; Corporations; Song of Moses and of the Lamb; Believing fosters doing; "sore amazed" and "very heavy"; Rich people in the kingdom of God; Salvation?; "watch"; Did Christ need to be baptized?; Comforting gospel?; God's will; Watch and pray; The flesh is weak; Temptation?; Selling brothers into bondage; v46 - taking of Jesus; To be continued...