10/30/21: Deuteronomy 5

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Deuteronomy: Exodus continued, Understanding the Old Testament; Living by faith; What is the Church/Kingdom of God?; The Ten Commandments; Redefined words causing confusion; Words = symbols of ideas; Learn, keep and do; The name of Moses; The role of Moses; Giving away our power to other gods; "Israel"; Synagogue of Satan; Kingdom deep within you; heh+(chet-kaf)+yod+mem (statute); "aleph" picture; God's love for us; No kings in Israel; "Judgement"; Receiving the Holy Spirit; Earning salvation; Covenants; Keeping the commandments; Moses' fires; Letting light in; Emphasizing bondage; "gods"; Your daily bread; Making graven images; Altars; Golden calf; Serving institutions; Taking the LORD's name in vain; Keeping Sabbath; Your right to choose; Honoring your parents; Good/bad is a matter of righteousness; "Corban"; Killing - via government; Adultery - beyond what you think; Taxation?; Bearing false witness; Covetousness = your system of government; Be still and know; Be aware of your appetite for benefits; What ARE you doing?; Your next step - take it.