10/8/22: Uncovering Truth

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Natural/scientific laws; Miracles; Gravity; Mathematics; Inspired bible; Evidence of truth; Biblical contradictions; Private interpretation; Setting aside accepted lies; God's love for the world; Love requires choice; Bondage; Inheriting rights; Septuagint; Masoretic text; Holy Spirit is 100% accurate; Biblical versions; Translational sources; Seeking Holy Spirit guidance; Mt 1:23 and Isa 7:14; Two witnesses; Doing away with false interpretation; Early Church functionality; Matthew's canonical gospel; Synoptic; Preach to the whole "world"; "Creature"; Institutions; Anti-Christ spirits; Historical Rome; Bonds of free society; Insurance; Christs commands for gathering; Anonymous "Matthew"; Translating Hebrew; Dominion over men?; Mt 28:5; Matthew writing to Jews; Divine nature of Jesus; Constantinian differences; Leading by Holy Spirit; Rewards of Hell; Circumstantial translations; Dainties of rulers; Civil law = systems of jurisprudence; Destroyers of liberty; Central treasury warnings; Sureties for debt = bondage; Sharing good news audios; More on two witnesses; Heart and soul; Doing the will of the father; Gathering in tens, hundreds and thousands; Repent and think Christ's way.