11/19/22: Sabbath and the Economy
Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Manipulation of society; Free society under God; Bible about government; Remember righteousness; Oregon local government issues; Repairing our faults; Ignorance - Knowledge kept from you; Democracy = bad; Anarchy = no rulers; Patrick Henry; Cherishing liberty; Correcting ideas; Willingness to know the whole truth - humility; Fruits of democracy; Gold and silver to pay debt; Public Education; Church a viable republic; Ignorance -> tyranny; Knowing history; Law of nature; Statutes?; Juries; Growing broke slower; Paying "the debt"; Happiness in America; Capitalism; Weakening the people; Gun violence; "War on Poverty"?; Legal charity; Learning solution by doing; The will of the Father; Mass formation of psychosis; Conversation; 2 commandments; Loving neighbor; Depression; Science vs religion?; Defining religion; "Superstitio"; Addition to government benefits; Scattering the flock; Repentance from destructive ideas; John 1:1; "logos"; Prophets of the beast; Daily ministration; Economic collapse?; "Sabbath"; God's government; Wanting kings; Bondage of Egypt; Social security; Insurance vs Assurance; Killing care; The Solution; Christ said it best; Covetousness; Free bread; Law based on spirit; Getting rid of depression; How to find the kingdom of God; Blind guides; Fraud?; Abundant life; Sacrificing; It's your fault; Listening to Holy Spirit; Anger; Forgive!; Your armor = love; Strengthening the poor; Doing His word; Born again; Becoming human resources; Cursing your children; Character of His name; Making contact; Seek righteousness; Come together - religiously!