11/2/24: Laying Down Your Life
Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Organizing Churches; Alternatives to Rome's benefits; Welfare snares; Unrighteous mammon; Grain shortages; Rife for starvations; Knowing God; Saving yourself?; Laying down YOUR life; False Christs; Doctrines of Christ; Is your church established by Christ?; What Christ was doing; Networking charity; Tithing; The ways of righteousness; Squirrels?; Missing children; National ID; Corruption; Social Security Number; Gold standard?; Becoming collateral; Federal Reserve system; Walking in the spirit; What is truth?; Becoming Doers of the word; Paul's understanding; Making God's word to none effect; Who was Mark?; Nicodemus?; Eating locusts?; Modern church aid; Christ's instructions what NOT to do; Free Church?; Exodus; Freewill offerings; Militia?; Standing armies?; Soccer stories; Weakening welfare; Home schooling?; Forms of godliness; Treating children as less than animals; Legal charity - anti-Christ; Gathering together; Your salvation; Repentance; Christ's trials; Evidence of Christianity; Leaven?; Impossibility?; Excuses for not following Christ; Metaphorical locusts; Stupid laws; Blinder guides; Changing your environment; Or being changed by it; Getting the system out of you; Setting others free; Hearing God in your own heart; Seeking His kingdom and His righteousness; No comfort in foolishness; Fear not!