11/2/24: Mark 14 continued

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Plotting to kill Jesus; Pharisees in charge in Judea; No king in Jerusalem - Rome's decision; U.S. Democracy; Jesus rightful king; Israel the republic; 1 Sam 8; Passover meal; Watch and pray; Jesus betrayed with a kiss; The body and blood; Is Christ your king?; Transferring the kingdom; Courts of the people; Cities of refuge; Caesar = Principas Civitas + apotheos + emperator; Weakening the people; Legal Charity (welfare); Collapsing society; Early Church organization; Free assemblies; Jesus teaching to pray; Submitting to the will of the Father; Mk 14:47; Betrayal; Making God's word of none effect; Decline and fall of Roman Empire; Dark ages?; Following Abraham, Moses and Christ; Lacking faith; Bondage of Egypt; Christians leaving Jerusalem; "Fornication"; John 8:43; Father of lies; John 3:17; Repentance to be saved; Harlot riding the beast?; John 5:34; "might" be saved; Constantine's church; 1 Thess 2:16 Gentiles being saved; Greatest destroyer of liberty; Wages of unrighteousness; Mt 26:25; Arresting Jesus; Who is Mark?; Why believe Mark?; Nakedness; Existence in your own castle; Taking back your responsibilities; v53; Palaces of high priests; Sanhedrin; Raising strong sons; Perfect savages; Ananias; Caiaphas (son-in-law); Witnesses; Temple without hands; Judging Jesus? Or not?; Answering the high priest; Setting men free?; There is still time to repent; Following in faith; Developing love of neighbor; "Worship"; Understanding "logos" of Christ; Altars of clay and stone; "Religion"; Conflict of Christianity vs Pharisees; "Pure" religion; Seeking the kingdom of God; Leaving Egypt; Helping others through plagues; Reading our published material; Repetition in the bible; Nimrod; Who will follow Christ?; Acts 15:19; Eating meat with blood in it; Milk, meat and leaven; Food laws? Or more?; Jer 25:16; Who convicted Jesus?; Destruction of Rome; Ez 7:23; Ez 9:9; Cities of blood; Early Church functions; Repentance; Have hope.