11/23/24: Mark 16
Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Tying gospels together; Church network; Congregational free assembly; Ten-family gatherings; Social safety net; Being there for neighbors; Choosing ministers; Organized communities; Christ's commands; "Families"; Why Christ was crucified; Essence of the kingdom; Commandments; Quakers; "Feed my sheep"; What Christ was actually doing; Misconceptions of early Christianity; Elements of the Church; Kingdom government; Caring through charity; Directives of Christ; Mark 16:1; Sitting in darkness; Following the light; Herod's gorgeous robe; Jesus, king of Judea; The young man in the tomb; v8 last verse?; What the kingdom of God looks like; Nature of the network; "Deacon"; Care in reading the bible; Casting out Christians; Rightly dividing the bread; Prophesy; Not believing Jesus; Mt 19:8 hardness of hearts; Mark 3:5; How hard is your heart?; What gospel? What creature?; Micah 5:8; Doctrines of men; Network links of assistance; Saving others; Softening your heart; Baptism; The way of Christ; Signs of believers; Serpent poisons; Repentance; Calendars; New archeology; Discovering your personal connection; Seeking God's system; No shortcut to the kingdom; Changing your heart; Kissing rings; Rituals and ceremonies; "Religion"; Pharisee hypocrites; Transferring the kingdom; Saul's folly; Today's rituals and ceremonies; Mt 20:25; Mk 10:42; "Gentiles"; Seven men; Free bread systems/tables; Lk 22:25; Oppressive taxation; Socialism; Protest? Or repent?; Herod's "leaven"; Daily bread?; Wages/rewards of unrighteousness; "Mammon"; Appetites for benefits; Lk 16:9; Mt 5:19; Covetousness; Welfare snares; $36T debt; Col 3:5 Idolatry; Eph 5:5; Where your benefits come from; Beast?; Foolish virgins; Laying down your life daily; Be not afraid!