12/28/24: An Approach to Church Organization - replay from 7/4/15
Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

(An Approach to Church Organization) Kingdom preached by Christ; At hand, for the living; Christ's doctrines; What the early Church was doing; Personality; Switched at birth story; Church Organization; Taking kingdom from Pharisees and appointment to Apostles; Pilate - procurator of Rome; Pilate's proclamation; Old testament "charity"; Servant leaders; Tens, hundreds and thousands; Levites; Perfect Law of Liberty; Incentive for ministers; Helping neighbors succeed; Mark of the Beast; "Cash"; Covetousness; Christ agreeing with Moses; One Church established by Christ; Conforming to Christ; Redefining words; Translational context; Analyzing error; Misinterpretation; Why we congregate; Biblical "study"; Church "nuts and bolts"; Flowcharting The Church?; "Church"; Free assemblies; Types of ministers; Multiple meanings of words; Jubilee; Bank capabilities; Debt forgiveness?; Inflation; Property tax; Legal title; Covetous practices; Repentance; Caring for neighbors; "Visiting" the needy; Religious orders; Church government; Voluntaryism; Armies; Rights from God; Right to make choices; Home schooling; Governing yourselves; Have you repented yet?; Playing church; Religious Order trade or business; Vow of poverty; Following foolish Pharisees; Property owned in common; Jews accepting Jesus; Modern church; vs Church government; Egyptian bondage; Casting bread upon the waters; Fire-assistance example; Flow of contributions through the structure; Kings and priests; Anarchists?; Order of Melchizedek; "Righteous king"; God-allowed governments; Ps 110:4; "word" + hey; Record; Heb 5:6; "taxis"; Body/blood example: network; Being under tribute; Heb 7:17; Kingdom vs congregation; Changing your heart and mind; "Minister"; Who does the minister work for?; Who ordains ministers?; Witness; Choice of giving; Minister functions; Office of minister?; "Corporation sole"; Levites by adoption; Brotherhood under one father; One accord; Recognizing need; Confiscating Church property; Peace. (An Approach to Church Organization (continued)) First Century Church; Modern Christians resemble Pharisees; Are we right?; Jews accepting Christ; Caring for the needy of society; Modern church concerns; Is there grace for you?; Grace = charity; "thank"; "scribes"; Acts 6 organizing; Mammon; Loving neighbors as selves; Corporation sole imitates family; Who's your father?; "parens patria"; Order defined; Republics; "Free from things public"; Thinking Kingdom; Describing Church networking; Connecting congregations; Ordaining by God; Simplicity of Christ's way; Freedom to choose; Debt; Governments exercising authority; Virtue!; Selling yourself into bondage; Essentials of kingdom; Christians leaving Jerusalem; FEMA?; Healing as Christ taught; Sacrifice; Following Holy Spirit; Forgiveness; Types of "love"; Losing sons; Laying down your life for others; Righteous mammon; "sin"; In, but not of the world; Church "service"; Our baggage and trauma; Addictions; Coming into accord with Christ; "Persons"?; Your choice; "Worship"; "Unincorporated Association"; Being Doers of the word; Sewing underwear for Levites?; Your job; Perfect Law of Liberty; Practice virtue.