2/4/23: Exodus 13

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Normalizing immorality; Dishonoring parents - Corban; Fattening; "Corvee"; Pharaoh Moses; Family development; Breaking down families; Paying off debt; Learning the skills of freedom; Living Network; Patterns of gathering; "leaven"; Sacrifice; Two trees in the garden of Eden; Defining "good" and "evil"; Patterns of evil; Saving neighbors; Moses' insight; Spirit giving life; Identifying the creator (God); The flood?; The song of Moses and of the Lamb; Degenerating society; Covetous practices; Egyptian benefits; Your sacrifice; Cities of blood; The bible and inspiration; "Fear not!"; Stones of the altar; Charity; Religion; Mt 20:20; Right/Left hands; Israel in Egypt; Holy Spirit guidance; Zebedee boys; "Christ" vs "Jesus"; Exercising authority; Appointing the kingdom; God is reasonable; Noah's listening; Matthew on leaven; "Turtledove" sacrifice; Drawing near to God; Ex 13:1; Taking care of society's needy; "Sanctify"; Sacrificing; Remembering exodus; Wrath of God; Without "leaven" (cruelty); Law in your mouth; Passover memorial; God of nature; v10 "ordinance"; Natural consequence; Spiritual reality and understanding; Creating the alternative system; No forcing neighbor; Moses' instructions on memorial; Firstborns; Sacrificing for the poor; "Redeeming"; Celebrating newborns; "The LORD slew?"; Blaming God; More than yeast; Life and death; Circumcision; Identify the important matters.