3/13/21: Incentivizing Isolation

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

World lifestyle changes; Yearly death rates not increasing; Shutdown raising suicide; Imaginary Christians; Redemption from our delusion; Our image of Christ contradicts truth; George Floyd's death; "Acadia"; Fourth-century Christians; Blood money funding churches; Anathema to Christ; "Grooming"; Identifying delusion requires humility; Still your anger; Forgiveness; Monasticism; Isolation is anti-Christ; Acadia = noon day blahs; Inability to concentrate; Sense of uselessness; Nonsense in the media; Seeking your emotional reaction; Monastery realities; The other church; Inconvenient teachings of Christ; Cancelling heroes; Deleting history; Returning to the real Christ; Owning all things common; Religion = caring for needy; Strengthening the poor; Isolating you from your duty; Stoicism; Trinity?; Welfare; Ambrose the stoic bishop; Modern Christian mimicry; Constantinian Christianity; Having God in your heart NOW; Coming in the name of God; The miracle; Casting your bread upon the water; Forced isolation of Seneca; Neighbor interaction is key; Incorporation of Trinity into our soul; Leading others to the Holy Spirit; Process of repentance; Putting God into practice in your life; Our model is Christ; Moral requirements of charity; Incentivizing isolation; Who are Christ's brethren?; Being drawn away from the kingdom; Alterations for your life; Good Samaritan parable; Levites and priests; Abraham's army; Guaranteed income?; Thess 2:12; Pleasure in unrighteousness; 2 Cor 6:14; Unequal yoking; Je 22:13; How to repent; Lk 16:9; The only way out; 2 Thess 2:10; THE solution; Heb 8:12; 2 Pe 2:13; Feasting on benefits; Conquered people; NYT article: Guaranteed income; Single mother example; Government contrary to Christ; Weakening society; Schools as tools; Government matters; Being a peculiar people; Take the first step!