3/21/20: Danger in Solutions

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Kingdom of God = Salvation of the people; Psychology of repentance = quest for hope, thinking a different way; Life continues due to reproduction - giving life to others; Or predators - take life from others; Slicing meat thinner; Not OK to keep sinning; Beware the image of Christ given to you by ear-ticklers; Glad tiding may upset "many"; Facts matter; You need the whole Christ; Are you giving life?; New "earth" in the bible; Changing minds is hard - remain humble to improvement; Coronavirus - what is the danger?; How valid are the predictions?; Climate change?; Consider the facts; Slowing, not stopping the virus; Ways to transmit the virus; Living things reproduce viruses - like lies; Virus doesn't cause damage, but your reaction to it; Example: Bubonic plague; Average age of dying from coronavirus is 82; Who is really at risk?; Protect them!; Transmitting immunity; Disease die-offs; Does coronavirus death rate warrant economic collapse?; Virus interference - Flu vax increases vulnerability to other respiratory diseases; Fear as a contagion; Faith it the vaccine; Wuhan virus storage facility; Only 3 Italian victims had no recorded compromise; Protecting those at risk; Why Italy more affected?; Quality information sources; Elderly die from disease every year; Proper precautions; Purposefully creating panic?; Media hype?; Most not threatened; Free stuff; How to get to the place where we have more life?; Humanity has survived viruses for thousands of years; Economic depression is not warranted; Why shut down the whole economy?; Why so many CEOs retire in recent months?; Solutions; Seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness; People sitting in darkness - lost the skill of caring; The "way" Christ commanded; Networks of congregations; PCR test - inappropriate; Herd immunity to polio achieved before vaccine; Viruses strengthen immune systems of society; Food shortages? - due to panic; Hoarding is not Christian; Care that others get what they need; Neighbor with multiple myeloma; Sugar's effect on the immune system; Spanish flu not worse - but practices; What we learned; Wise as serpents, harmless as doves; Angels to our neighbors; Love, not force; Creating sureties; Covetous practices; Be DOers of the word!