3/4/23: Exodus 19

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Foundation of law; Pharisees and Sadducees; Commander in chief; Society on the move; Following the Holy Spirit; Self-organization; Governmental slavery; vs Voluntarism; The Living Network; Juries; Bible about religion or government?; Unconditional "love"?; Team husband and wife; Strengthening your children; Tough "love"; Exercising responsibility; Moses' instructions toward the kingdom; Altars of clay - and stone; Legal (bound) charity; Becoming merchandise; Ex 19:1; "god" as an office; Jacob vs Israel; Contending with God's unconditional love; Loving your enemy; Seeing evil around you; Loving the light of truth -> Born again; Holy Spirit as your guide; Deciding good/evil for yourself; Considering the importance of warnings; "Put to death"?; Identifying metaphors in Exodus; Fasting; Meeting with God; "Break through"; Getting back to the Tree of Life; Love of God on the mountain; Are you a god? Over what?; Wise use of gifts; "say"? Or "Make known"?; tav+aleph-mem-resh; Sacrificing like Christ for others; Christ's commands; Preparing for the kingdom journey; Gathering together to care about others - as a holy nation of kings and priests; Laying down your life for another; Turtle doves; "nagash" come near; sanctify (yod+tav+kuf-dalt-sin+vav); Gen 2:3; Ex 13:2; Organized assistance; Ex 19:10; Ex 19:14; Ex 19:22; Ex 20:1 Keeping the commandments; Fringes on prayer shawls; Breeches; Are you listening to the Holy Spirit? Or other spirits?; Neighborhood watch?; Finding ministers among you; Knowing Israel today; Moses and Christ in agreement; "The Way"; Grow the light in your congregations.