4/1/23: Exodus 25-26

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Reviewing Exodus 24; Covenanting; Did some disagree?; Altars; Other gods; Burnt offerings; Life in the blood; Sacrifice; Fire story; Degradation of society; Shepherding; vs Cursing; Giving choice to others; Sprinkling blood?; Fervency vs force; Empowering people; Romans 13; "be obedient" (shama = hear); Hearing continuously; Altars/ministers; Social safety net; Priests; Pure religion; vs Legal charity; Doing and hearing; What you owe society; Seeing your bondage; Finding your religion; Rebellious children; Exodus 25 - boring?; Explaining temples; Groves?; Freewill offerings; Commodities as money; Things vs metaphors; The Ark; Testimony in the Ark; Mercy seat; Forgiveness; Strengthening the poor; Temples of Holy Spirit; Bankrupting your nation; Repentance; If you won't do, you won't hear - neither will God; Candlesticks?; The light in you; The pattern to follow; Badgers skins?; Beadwork?; Adding stability to structure; Bringing offerings willingly; Saul's folly; Constituting your society; Precedents vs statutes; God in your heart; Waiving your rights - jury; Conquered people; Your appetite for benefits; Exodus 26 - Tabernacle; Tabernacle: Mobile yet sturdy; People's need for symbols; Unmooring symbols from meaning; Why so much detail?; "Ranks" of Levites; Minister requirements; Governments of service; William Penn trial; Ark of Testimony; Bringing offerings for charity; Your holy place; Mobile feasts; Untrustworthy people; Red heifer; Electing better Sauls?; Individual change; Directing energy at symptoms; Awakening to your bondage; Open your eyes.