4/13/24: Aboutness

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Aboutness; Republics; Laity; Sheep and Shepherd; Doing the will of the Father; Loving the light vs living in darkness; Nobody wants to find they're wrong; Humility; Developing trust; Christian atheism?; Temple functions; "Religion"; Slavery in the bible; Employment rules - see Master/Slave in Clark's Summary of US American Law; Statutes of Moses = Precedents; Juries decide fact and law; Christ's "weightier matters" and appointment of the kingdom; What are you missing?; Using Emotion as your source; Government?; Abolished slavery; The sin of Sodom; Cannibalism; Vampires; Bondage of Egypt; Servitude; Electing Saul; Laity rule; Legal charity; "gods" and sons of God; Public religion; Secular government; Being held responsible; Cities of refuge; Ten Commandments; Cities of blood; Deciding good and evil; General welfare; "leaven"; Tithing; Vengeance belongs to God; The need for righteousness; Your repentance; "Christians"; Understanding Jesus; Doctrines of Jesus; Affordances; Blood/flesh metaphor; Forced donations; Fleshpots?; War on family; Legalizing corruption; Recognizing patterns; Naming gods; Ethics; Daily sacrifice; Strengthening the poor; Cultivating fervent charity; Caring about neighbors; Recognizing your delusions; Practicality of God's way; The ultimate good?; Right reason; Practicing good will and trust; Free assemblies to care for each other; Legal title; Bravery; Plague of selfishness; Willingness to go into debt?; Courts under Moses; Stewards of charity; Providing justice; Dual magisterium?; Christ's lordship; "Call no man father"; Mercy; Nature of The Church (female); Laity, problem solutions (male); Take back your responsibilities.