4/27/24: Ayn Rand Interview
Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Finding the kingdom of God; What we are not seeing; Keeping Christ's commandments; Bearing false witness; Denying truth; Blaspheming Holy Spirit; Nicodemus; Analyzing facts; Women's intuition; Understanding observations of the world; Religion; Man/woman differences; Ayn Rand; The price of seeing truth; Be not afraid!; Making the world safer today; Being devoured?; Social Security; Defending against evil; Defining altruism; "Communal" vs "communism"; Universal laws; Wrath of God; "Unmoved mover"; Morality by reason?; Value of life; Attacking lions; Sacrificing self for others; "Democracy"; Fighting lions; Next generation's value; Abortion; Inflation; Taxation; Love for neighbor; Contract clause of the constitution; Eligibility for Social Security; Becoming Merchandise; Sacrificing your children; Sitting in darkness; Rebels; The ultimate solution; Immoral welfare; Needing the whole truth; Indiscriminate charity?; Poverty badge?; Marriage; Giving your responsibility to the state; Voluntary Social Security; Applying for benefits; Modern churches; Deserving "love"; Love = charity; Love for Church; Tough love; Social safety nets; Legal Charity; Blind pulpits; Judeo-Christian values?; Socialism = covetousness; Protecting neighbors; Living by the sword; Roman Imperial wealth; Commander-in-chief; Draining the swamp?; Teaching values of Christ/Moses/Abraham; Involuntary servitude; "We The People"; Biblical constitutions; "Criminal"; Adversaries of Christ; Clergy and Laity; Ministers of service; Heave and Wave offerings; Ancient Israel "worship"; Balaam and Nicolaitans; Destruction of community; Free online resources; Twisting "Religion"; Voluntarism; Burnt offerings; Korean war story; Courage; The Word = "Logos" = right reason; Notes vs cash; Devaluing money; Maintaining responsibility; Protection of individuals; Law enforcement?; Accepting false gospels; Repentance; Today's poisons; Loving light; Ps 69; Humility; Abide in Christ's love.